Bradford VCS Alliance (BVCSA) is seeking expressions of interest from Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) providers to deliver weekday evening sessions at Westbourne Green Healthcare Centre between January and March 2018. This work is part of a wider “Extended Access” project at the Westbourne Green Hub. The overall project is managed by Bradford Care Alliance and provides a range of support to people using 23 GP practices in the surrounding area.
VCS Extended Access services have been run as a pilot since June, this ends in December. As a result of the learning from the pilot, and changes to the hours available, we are seeking providers able to support the next stage of this evolving service. The VCS will provide 2 types of support:
• Welfare and Benefits Advice (12 hours per week)
• Mental Wellbeing support (3 ½ hours per week)
General requirements
• VCS Extended Access services must be delivered between Monday and Thursday, 6.30 to 9.30pm
• Regardless of service uptake, providers will be available at the Hub for the agreed hours
• Where appropriate, Hub services will signpost people to other VCS services
Welfare, debt and benefits advice
Each week it will provide 12 hours of welfare, debt and benefits support advice following referral from one of 23 practices supported by the hub. Where necessary people will be referred onward to the Mental Wellbeing service.
Mental wellbeing support
This will be new support at the Hub, based on feedback from GPs and people using their services. Initially it will provide 3 ½ hours of mental wellbeing support each week following referral from the welfare, debt and benefits advice service.
• Tuesday 5th December 3pm – deadline for providing your expression of interest
• Wednesday 6th December 2017 – meeting for providers who’ve submitted and expression of interest
• Week commencing 18th December 2017 – overall approach and VCS Providers agreed
• Monday 8th January 2018 – services commence
Value: Providers will receive approximately £30 per hour the service is available at the Hub
Conflicts of Interest: It is expected that the successful bidder will not be conflicted in any part of this work.
We welcome collaborative approaches to delivery. Please send your expression of interest using the form provided, to Polly Mellor by 3pm Tuesday 5th December
In your Expression of Interest please briefly explain how your organisation has the right experience, skills and capacity to deliver this piece of work. Tell us briefly about the work of your organisation and the staff you will be involving in this work. Further to your expression of interest, please expect to attend a meeting to discuss this on Wednesday 6th December in Bradford probably between 1 and 2.30 pm (we will confirm). We are especially keen to encourage partnership and collaborative working across the sector.