Please be aware this money is not intended to fund project work; it is to support:

  • A one-off event enabling you to meet one or more of the criteria.
  • A series of one-off events i.e. a series of fun days that enable you to meet one or more of the criteria.
  • One-off capital purchases that underpin ongoing COVID support work.

Bradford District MDC was given a £3.85m government grant to support the implementation of Test and Trace across the District.  This funding was split into parts including funds to support community engagement, communications, local tracing teams and support for the Outbreak Control Plan/Board.

The COVID Test and Trace grants are awarded to organisations supporting the community engagement effort around COVID – 19.

The VCS Alliance is administering this grant on behalf of its Test and Trace partner organisations.


How much can I apply for?

Grants range from £50 – £1000; as stated above, these grants are not intended to support ongoing project delivery work, this money is to support one-off capital purchases or an event/ short series of events.


What can funding be used for?

Event/ activity support: this money may be used to support costs directly associated with delivering a COVID related event or activity such as Information Roadshows, fun days.

Funding can also be used to purchase ‘capital items’, i.e., tangible objects such as display stands, other types of equipment etc, so long as this will be directly related to preventing the spread of COVID-19, encouraging vaccinations, or gathering insights and intelligence. See guidance document for more information.


Funding criteria

The activities being funded must be directly related to COVID-19 either:

Criteria 1. Because they aim to prevent the spread of the virus, particularly by educating about how to prevent infections and the test and trace system or taking practical actions to prevent infections.

Criteria 2. Because they are supporting people to take up a COVID-19 vaccination.

Criteria 3. Funding can support groups to gather and report community intelligence and insights about COVID-19 and vaccinations to support the Test and Trace Programme across Bradford District. (Insight and intelligence will inform how communications with communities should be tailored. It will also tell us more about people who are finding it difficult to cope living with COVID-19, or hesitant about receiving a vaccination, and the reasons why).

Criteria 4. Supporting people to access long COVID treatment pathways.

Criteria 5. Supporting people to reengage with Primary and Secondary health care provision.

Criteria 6. To understand the barriers and fears people have about reengaging within communities and society and develop responses to this.

Criteria 7. Help residents to understand and support them to access and use Lateral Flow Tests.

Further information about the criteria and examples of activities/ events is available in the guidance document.


Application, payment, and monitoring:

Though applying for this grant is not an open grant process it has been made as simple as possible:

First Stage

  1. Grassroots organisations/ groups can approach their Community Partnership Anchor organisation with an idea, or the Community Partnership Anchor organisation may have identified a local group that can help them meet their priorities.
  2. Community Partnership Anchor organisation and the grassroots organisation agrees the detail of the event/ activity. (Please bear in mind both application and endorsement must match).

Second stage

  1. Community Anchor organisation endorses the grassroots group and completes the online endorsement form.
  2. Grassroot group  completes the online application form, which is password protected. The password will be supplied by the endorsing Community Partnership Anchor organisation.

Third stage

  1. The VCS Alliance verifies the grassroots organisation details against those provided by the Community Partnership Anchor organisation in the endorsement form.
  2. If the details match, The VCS Alliance issues payment to the grassroots organisation via BACS.

Monitoring and Intelligence:

  • Each organisation given a grant is required to submit an evaluation of their activity/ event, this is done via a simple online form through SurveyMonkey.
  • Organisations are also asked to supply community intelligence relating to:
    • Test and Trace
    • Understanding guidance and regulations
    • Conspiracy theories and myths
    • Enforcement (Breaking the rules and regulations)
    • Self isolation

If you are a grassroots organisation and wish to apply for this grant you must first contact your Community Partnership Anchor organisation, contact details for these organisations in each Community Partnership is in the table below.

Community Anchor contact details:

Community Partnership Area

Contact Name

Community Anchor

Email Address


Sonjia Peers



Natalie Hind

Inspired Neighbourhoods


Gavin Williams

Carers’ Resource


Gill Blamires



Rubina Burhan

Girlington Community Association


Helen Speight

Thornbury Centre


Aurangzeb Khan

Bradford Trident


Susan Moreland

Scholemoor Beacon


Abi Fox

The Bridge Project


James Blezard

Healthy Lifestyle Solutions


Akhtar Malik

Bradford Youth Development Partnership


Melanie Hey

Keighley Healthy Living


Lucy Steer

Ilkley Good Neighbours

Area Wide

Laila Ahmed


This is intended to give you an overview of the Test and Trace grant; the guidance document contains more detailed information about application, endorsement, criteria etc. We would strongly encourage you to speak to your Community Partnership Anchor about your idea and see if it meets the conditions of this grant.

As this is not an open grant, the application form and guidance links can only be obtained through your Community Partnership Anchor organisation.


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