In September 2018, in conjunction with our Diabetes Prevent Scheme, Bradford CCG commissioned through the VCS Alliance a local voluntary sector Diabetes Management Programme to run in tandem with the local Structured Education Programme offered to people diagnosed with diabetes. This programme was introduced with the aim of helping the patient to access the right diabetes structured education programme for them, after understanding their personal needs, issues and goals.

The service uses a person-centred approach to support the Patient in accessing the Structure Education Programme. The delivery of this service offers;

  • Decision making as to which Structure Education Programme is appropriate for the individuals needs
  • Attend the training with the Patient
  • Provide IT access to help the Patient to access the online Programme
  • Help the Patient to travel to a Programme
  • Provide cultural/language support for a Patient

Both the Bradford Diabetes Prevention Programme and Diabetes Management Programme run for a year from their perspective start dates.

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